Author and illustrator, Angela Sunde writes novels, picture books and short stories. She is the author/illustrator of Snap Magic, author of Pond Magic (Penguin), and illustrator of The Coral Sea Monster – national winner, Write-a-Book-in-a-Day Award 2011. Her short story, A Summer to Die For, won the Gold Coast City Gallery and Writers Activation writing competition in 2015.
Awarded a May Gibbs Children’s Literature Trust Fellowship in 2013, and an Illustrator Residency at Pinerolo Children’s Book Cottage in 2014, Angela is also a writing judge, editor and the Gold Coast Coordinator for The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.
As an award-winning language and literacy teacher with a broad range of experience in primary, secondary and tertiary education, Angela delivers engaging presentations and inspiring workshops for children and adults, where she enjoys sharing the secrets to finding humour and magic in daily life.
Read more about Angela's Workshops
Coordinator of the Queensland SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators) Gold Coast branch, Angela was the event organiser of the international Inside Story author event in Brisbane in 2013.
As a member of the winning writers' team, Prana Writers, Angela helped raise $940 for The Royal Children's Hospital in Brisbane through sponsorship in the Write-a -Book-in-a-Day awards, 2011.

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Professional Associations:
SCBWI – Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators – Gold Coast Coordinator, Qld
Book Links (Qld) Inc – The Centre for Children’s Literature
Queensland Writers Centre
Writers Activation, writers’ centre, Gold Coast, Qld
Editorial Experience:
Fiction and non-fiction manuscripts
PhD and Masters' theses
Travel and Food Review articles – various
The Arts Centre Gold Coast ‘Culture’ magazine
Website and blog content – various
Editor – Redlitzer Anthology, Redlands City Libraries
Literary Judge – Gympie Regional Literary Awards