The Coral Sea Monster

The Coral Sea Monster
Thirteen-year-old sheep-shearer Jack's dream of going to the Ekka seems doomed when a truck overturns on the highway, blocking traffic in both directions. Just as he resigns himself to a boring day waiting for tow-trucks, his brother's car is rammed from behind. And so begins an adventure like no other - to rescue the Coral Sea Monster.
(Angela Sunde - illustrator and co-author)
National Best Book - Write-a-Book-in-a-Day, 2011
Eastern States Best Book - Write-a-Book-in-a-Day, 2011
All proceeds of sales benefit the Royal Children's Hospital Foundation
ISBN - 9781301274697
Publisher: Write-a-Book-in-a-Day
Judge's Report - Write-a-Book-in-a-Day - National Winner
"The Winner of the Open Section this year is the most beautifully illustrated as well as the best written story of the bunch: ‘The Coral Sea Monster’ by Prana Writers.
The team was given the challenge to include a podiatrist, a sheep shearer and a sea animal in their work, as well as to employ the setting of a motorway and the theme of love. The result is an amusing and engaging story of a 13-year-old sheep-whisperer, Jack, whose hopes of competing in the shearing event at the Ekka showgrounds are shot through when a truck overturns on the motorway into Brisbane, blocking the traffic in both directions. The truck in question is carrying a sea monster, of course, and Jack and his new found friend, a teen podiatrist (yes, there is such a girl!), set out on a fun-packed adventure to save the sea monster from the clutches of Lionel Measly, the greedy Ocean-World curator who hopes to make a million out of the endangered species.
A competition like Book-in-a -Day challenges all of its competitors to take an imaginative leap, to work together against the ticking clock, to produce something extraordinary and new. ‘The Coral Sea Monster’ is a delightful example of the best kind of new work this competition is capable of producing.
Congratulations to team members Tom Betts, Rob Brown, Margaret Choinski, Rebecca Fraser, Janis Hanley, Kerry McGuicken, Helen Stubbs, Angela Sunde and Amanda Worlley, as well as to the children at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Brisbane, to whom this team’s sponsors directed their funds. You are all very worthy winners!"
Julienne van Loon - judge