Block a Day to Write
The words 'Writers Block' might usually strike fear in the heart of the serious writer. Not so on the Gold Coast where Writers Block has an entirely different meaning. Writers across the city (Australia's 6th largest) hurriedly set aside a day in their diary and plan around it, blocking out a day in which to write.
The city libraries' program development officer, Andy James, regularly puts together a full day of writing workshops and networking opportunities for our local literary word junkies. The topics are varied and on point, most recently being a series of workshops on The Business Side of Writing last Saturday. On the bill were author luminaries Brian Falkner and Nick Earls, and sandwiched between them was little ol' me. Yeah, Nick Earls is probably starting to think I'm following him around.
And Writers Block is free too. Plus there's free tea and cookies. And coffee, of course, duh.